FUGARE - Kortrijk Xpo

Good place to work


17/2/2024 - 18/2/2024

International pigeon racing fair

With exhibitors and visitors from more than 15 countries, Fugare is once again preparing for the international pigeon show of the year. More than 100 suppliers will present all their novelties.

Manufacturers of feed and pigeon supplements will be present to promote their latest developments. House and aviary builders from the Benelux will share their know-how with the visitors. Information on DNA and genetic advice can be obtained from various veterinarians at the fair. But also conveyor belts, luggage carriers, young pigeon lofts, widower lofts, heating systems, drinking systems,... everything can be seen at Fugare!

Opening hours

Saturday, February 17, 2024, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday, February 18, 2024, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Kortrijk Xpo Organizations
Doorniksesteenweg 216
T +32 (0)56 24 11 11

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